Kazoku Kettering and Corby Shotokan Karate

2nd KYU → 1st KYU

ForwardSambon Renzuki3 times
BackwardJodan Age-uke + Gyaku-zuki3 times
ForwardChudan Soto- uke + Yoko Empi+Yoko Urakenuchi (Zenkutsu-dachi to Kiba-dachi)3 times
BackwardChudan Uchi-uke + Gyaku-zuki3 times
ForwardShuto-uke + Nukite (Kokutsu-dachi to Zenkutsu-dachi)3 times
ForwardMae-geri3 times
ForwardMawashi-geri3 times
ForwardYoko Ke-age (Kibadachi) left/right3 times
ForwardYoko Ke-komi (Kibadachi) left/right3 times

Kata Sentei Kata(Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion, Empi) Student may choose from any of these

Kumite Jiyu Ippon Kumite (3 metre apart) — Jodan / Chudan / Maegeri / Yoko Ke-komi / Mawashi-geri - right / one side

* Examiners look for ease and naturalness of execution, for speedy and powerful kime, and for smooth, instantaneous, dynamic elasticity of delivery